The Shoe May Fit But Should You Wear It?

June 11, 2018

The Shoe May Fit But Should You Wear It?

Jim Ewoldt, Owner
(712) 276-8087 ;

Have you picked up the latest copy of Being Better Magazine? If not, you missed our article on proper shoe fit! Check it out below:

Jim Ewoldt with Peak Performance hears it often. "When we ask people when the last time they had their foot measured, most can't remember because it's been so long. And people are often wrong about their size. Our feet change over the years."
And that's just the beginning of people getting not only shoes that don't fit all that well, but shoes that are not right for their feet.
Jim explains, "There are other things we gauge besides size that should be assessed to determine the right shoe. We do a standing gait analysis to determine your foot type. We look at things like your arch height, the bone alignment, how you walk, how your knees track, and your balance. After that we can show you which of our three shoe types you should consider. When you get the correct type of shoe that matches your foot, two things happen. One, you'll get more life out of the shoes, and two, you cut back the risk of injuries associated with an ill-fitting shoe. Our process takes just a few minutes and that knowledge can make a big difference."
Stop by Peak Performance today for your standing gait analysis. Open Mon-Thur from 10-8, Fri-Sat 10-6, and Sun 12-5. 4501 Southern Hills Drive, Sioux City